Sweet NV Bakeshop

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time.

It's finally time!

valentina allenComment


Thank you so much for being here , for your kindness and support and just being great and loyal customers. We couldn’t do this without all of you!

We’re starting off 2024 with some exciting news… the Sweet Interns are back! If you’re not sure who the Sweet Interns are jump back a couple of posts and read all about them. I’ve been holding off, waiting for the “right” time and “right” circumstances to start again. And maybe I’m a little scared too. I only want the intern program to serve as a source of empowerment and encouragement. A true opportunity for learning and growth for adults with disabilities. I worry that I’m not prepared enough. But I have interns ready and waiting. They want to come back and learn and participate. So we’re going to just jump in and get started. It will for sure not be perfect and I will likely make some mistakes but I know I can provide great training in a supportive and encouraging environment.

We’re starting off small with just a few interns working on our Valentine’s Treat Box. The interns will participate in all aspects of creating this box, from the baking to the packing and shipping. I have seen from my daughter Nayeli how much pride and ownership she takes in all the ways she helps with the shop. I’m so excited to see the same happen for the interns.

I’m going to do my best to share about our progress here. I hope you’ll follow along.



Have you heard??

valentina allenComment

Hi Sweet Friends!

Well, life sure got complicated since my last post. And I’m not all together confident things are any better than a year and half ago. 🤣 I truly hope you are healthy and thriving even in the midst of all sorts of craziness.

When I last posted I shared about our first sale with the Sweet Interns. It was such a huge success. You all supported them in a big way. 💖💖 The group genuinely enjoyed learning and working together. And then COVID… so we had to pause. Lot’s of things have changed for me personally but I think I’m finally ready to start brainstorming how to bring us back together. It will likely start with just one to two interns and as folks start to truly feel safe again we’ll expand. Stay tuned.

But…the shop is still open and has actually grown in the midst of all the chaos. How amazing is that?? In fact, in case you haven’t heard, this Friday, September 17, 2021, will be my first night as a vendor at the Covina Farmers Market! This has been a goal of mine for many years. Now’s the time friends. I’m truly so excited to have treats available for you on a weekly basis. My biggest goal has always been to have a brick and mortar shop. This is the next step to getting there. So set an alarm on your phone, join me this Friday, 9/17 at Covina Farmers Market in downtown Covina (400 N. Citrus Ave, corner of Citrus and San Bernardino). The market is open from 5-9pm. I’ll have samples so you can try some treats and a giveaway (or two) to celebrate this awesome occasion! I hope to see you there!

I plan to be at the Farmers Market three Fridays a month. I will have a calendar of dates posted on Facebook and Instagram so you’ll know where to find me. 😊

In addition to the Farmers Market I’ll be at several other community events over the next few months. So lots of opportunities to get your treats!

And of course the you can always come direct to the website to place an order (be sure to allow a minimum weeks notice ). If you’re ever looking for a treat that you don’t see in the shop, don’t hesistate to reach out and ask if I can make it for you.

Last but not least, have you heard about the collaboration I’m doing with Hammer and Stain Socal? We’ve partnered up to bring you a fun night of creating! Once a month we’re meeting up at the Hammer and Stain Studio in Rancho Cucamonga to create a custom wood piece and decorate some yummy cookies. Each month has a unique theme so there’s always something new to look forward to! Our next class is this Saturday, September 25 at 6pm. There’s still time to register. See what we’re making on my IG/FB page. You can also find all the details at hammerandstainsocal.com. Here’s a look at last month.

Thanks for reading this far! If you’re free this Friday Nayeli and I would love to see you. 😊😊


In the kitchen with the Sweet Interns

valentina allen1 Comment

Before I share about our first bake day with the Interns I need to tell you about my leadership crew. That’s kinda cute right?? Hadn’t thought of a name for them/us but maybe this will work. We’ll see. I should really have a picture of them to drop right here. It would make sense right?? I will make that happen. :)

The group started with one of my best friends, Carrie, who is without a doubt one of the kindest people I know. She is a mom to two awesome kids and knows the journey of parenting a child with special needs well. She has long been at my side helping with ALL the things and just being my greatest cheerleader. Along the way I added on my long time friend Elena. She’s that person who’ll speak the hard truth to you when you need it. And we all do. Not to mention she will go to the ends of the earth to help anyone in need. She also happens to be the Executive Director at Parents’ Place Family Empowerment Center (a local Non Profit serving families who have children with special needs). And then came Sonya and Judy. Awhile back I shared on Facebook about Puzzles Bakery & Café, a company that has a similar business model to mine (They are a great example of what I want to do)! I got such an amazing response of support and love for my goal, it was overwhelming. Among those responses both Sonya and Judy said, we’re all in when you’re ready. Sonya is my amazing cousin, a momma and a teacher like no other. She loves and serves her students above and beyond the call of duty. I have come to know Judy because we both have children with special needs. She is an advocate for our kids, even traveling to Sacramento to educate legislators on how to best serve our kids and is just a tremendous source of support and knowledge for our community.

All of these women bring their amazing gifts and skills to the group and I have no doubt they will help lead us to do great things for our Interns and future employees. I’m so grateful to them for being on this journey with me.

After group shot.JPG

So, about those interns….I’m happy to introduce you to Nayeli, Lucas, Marissa, Bradley, Katherine, Sophia and Jasmine (not pictured). This is an amazing group of smart, talented, funny and all around awesome teens and young adults. I’m honored that they want to be a part of Sweet eNVy Bakeshop.

We had an awesome first day in the kitchen! We packed into the kitchen and got to work. We worked through all the steps of creating the dessert jars. From baking the cake, to making buttercream and assembling. It was really cool to see their interest and enthusiasm. I think they definitely learned a little something and had some fun doing it. I’ll be honest, until now I’ve never felt like teaching anybody, anything was in my wheel house. But I felt so at home doing this. I loved every minute and can’t wait for more.

And in case you didn’t hear, YOU sold us out of jars during our preorder!! How amazing is that. I never could have expected we would sell over 200 jars!! You all are awesome. Because of you we can provide more training and we move closer to our own shop.

As always, I would really appreciate you sharing this post on your Facebook and Instagram pages or just telling your people about us and what we’re doing. I don’t yet know HOW we’ll get to our storefront. I just know that it will happen and that spreading the word is going to help us get there. Thank you :)

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time,


Sweet eNVy Bakeshop is growing!

valentina allen2 Comments

Hi Sweet Friends-

I have so much to say so I’ll just jump right in but first…. I have to say Thank you for supporting my shop. I’m so grateful for your business, referrals and encouragement. I would not be here with out all of you.

I started my shop because I love baking. I love to be in the kitchen creating and nothing makes me happier than the smiles on peoples faces when they’re enjoying something I’ve made. Brings me so much joy. :) I can’t wait until I get to see your happy faces standing in my shop everyday. How awesome will that be! What I have discovered along the way is that my shop can do so much more than just sell treats. Don’t get me wrong that’s important! Lol But there's an even greater purpose.

What you need to know…my daughter is neuro diverse, differently abled, intellectually disabled, developmentally disabled or any of the other terms currently being used to describe someone who learns at a different pace than it takes the average to learn new information or skills. Those labels do little to describe who she really is and all that she’s capable of. The labels are complicated and often misleading (probably a topic for another post) but sadly sometimes necessary. I have spent the last 19 years helping her navigate the world around her and doing everything possible (within our reach) to help her be the best version of herself she can possibly be. To say that it’s been challenging is putting it mildly. I’m sharing all of this because it has become very evident that meaningful and productive employment for people with disabilities, of any kind, is hard to come by. All of us deserve to have work that is relevant and utilizes our best skills. There is a job for EVERYONE and EVERYONE has value.

My journey with Nayeli has opened my heart to a greater purpose for my shop. My biggest goal is for Sweet eNVy Bakeshop to be staffed by people of all abilities. We will train and employ people who are differently abled and help them to find their greatest talents. While I don’t have a storefront yet we have decided there’s no time like the present to start offering training. So we have created the Sweet Interns program! The name might not stick but I kinda like it! :) With the help of some amazing friends and family we have gathered a small group of teens and young adults to be our first interns. They will be baking up a special desert every other month that will be available for sale through my site. All proceeds will go towards their ongoing training and development. We’re still working on the details and systems for our interns so for right now we’re keeping the group small. But our long term goal is to have an application process so we can open the group to more folks.

Our mission is to offer a positive and safe environment for people of different abilities to gain valuable skills that will lead them to meaningful and productive employment.

You’ll have you’re first opportunity to order treats from the Sweet Interns during my Valentine’s Day sale. The Valentine’s shop will feature their hand made dessert jars. They are so yummy you don’t want to miss out. I’m so excited for you to try their creations. Pre-orders start this coming Tuesday, January 22.

The blog will have weekly updates on everything the Sweet Interns are up to and all things Sweet eNVy Bakeshop. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for notifications when there’s a new post on the blog. And make sure you’re on the email list to get all the latest news and deals from the shop. Just click on over to the home page and there’s a button to sign up. :)

Thank you so much for reading all the way through. You’re support means so much. I would be so grateful if you could share this post or send your friends and family to the blog or my other pages to check us out.

Ok, last thing, will you leave me a comment or an emoji to let me know you were here? You’re the best!

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time,



Fall treats you won't want to miss!

valentina allen2 Comments


Thanks so much to all who made it out for my tasting party.  I loved getting to hang out and share some treats with you.  

If you didn't get a chance to come by then let me fill you in, there's a few new items coming to the shop for fall -  Cinnamon cupcakes with dulce de leche filling, mini lemon tarts, pecan pie and peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip Reese's peanut butter cup cookies (that's a mouth full).   You can find all of these on my shop page.  

Of course traditional fall desserts like apple and pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread are always available.  

There were a few Halloween treats too -  Ghost cupcakes and mummy rice krispy treats.  Either of these is a great dessert for serving at a party or as a classroom treat.  You can never go wrong with a cute dessert!   You can also check out my picture gallery for other Halloween dessert ideas.  

If you find yourself with some free time,  getting in the kitchen with friends or family is always a good idea.  Rice Krispy treats is a super easy treat you can get really creative with.  Make a batch following the recipe on the box, grab some candy chocolate and some sprinkles and decorate!  Really easy and a lot of fun.   Here's a tip for making these - Once you get the mixture into your pan, use damp hands to push the mixture into the pan and keep everything from sticking to your hands.  Works like a charm.   We can thank my momma for that one!  Probably not really a huge secret but she gets all the credit as far as I'm concerned. ;)

If you're interested in something you don't see on my menu don't hesitate to send me an email or give me a call to request a special item.  I'm always open to new desserts!

Halloween is just around the corner.  I'm taking orders now through October, 27th.   Please send all orders thru email to sweetnvbakeshop@gmail.com.

I'm not done adding to the menu yet....up next is the perfect breakfast treat for Thanksgiving morning!  

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time,   Valentina


What's new at Sweet NV?

valentina allenComment

Hello!  So it's been a little while since my FIRST and LAST post.  I'm just going to call a do over and start fresh.  Ok?  :)

Before I get to some fun news, I'll just catch you up.  It's quick, promise!

A lot has happened in the last year (or two??) including having the opportunity to sell my product in a shop and bake in a commercial kitchen.  Those opportunities were amazing but I quickly learned I wasn't quite ready for that kind of growth.  More than anything, I learned as a one woman show I can only do so much.  And while it's my greatest desire to grow my business I have to do it at a pace that allows "life" to still happen.   I am a mom to a teenager who has some unique needs.  She is my greatest priority.  Baking and all the other things, like work, have to work around my little family.  That said,  with some trial and error I'm working out a path towards fulfilling my biggest dream.

I mentioned in my first post, my BIG goal is to have my own shop.  A beautiful, warm, inviting space where you can stop by and get awesome, baked from scratch treats. Not only will it be the best spot for sweets but will also provide employment and training for people with disabilities.  I love to bake and it brings me so much joy.  But I know there's got to be more than that.  My greatest lesson in the last two years is that my gift is meant for something greater than just making great baked goods.  This gift can help others to grow and learn and prosper.   I'm confident it will do just that.  

So what's new, what's coming????  A few new items are coming to the menu.  If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you might have seen one of them already.  And if you don't follow me you should go do that (@sweetnvbakeshop ).  :)

And if you're interested in trying out those new items as well as some tried and true Sweet NV favorites, then you should probably save the date for my Fall/Halloween preview party!

               Saturday, September 30, 2017, 2:00 to 4:00pm.  (Location provided on request),  Send an email to sweetnvbakeshop@gmail.com if you're interested in attending

This is the perfect opportunity to get inspiration for all the desserts and treats you want to serve, gift people or just eat all by yourself this holiday season. ;)   Not only do you get to sample for FREE, you just might leave with some goodies too.  The first FIVE people to arrive will go home with their own treat box.  Woohoo!  I won't have items for sale at this event.  This is your opportunity to sample and if you're ready,  reserve a spot for a Halloween/Fall dessert order.   My schedule is limited so you want to place your order as early as possible.

This is the first of two preview parties.   A Christmas preview party is in the works for early November.  Stay tuned for that.  Going forward, I'll be updating the blog once a week and posting a lot more on Instagram and Facebook.   

So do you want your invite to the Fall/Halloween preview?  Send me an email at sweetnvbakeshop@gmail.com and I'll give you the details.  

Before I sign off I just want to extend a heart felt thank you to my loyal customers, friends and family who support me and my business.  I could not do this without you.  

I hope to see you soon!

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time,





Sweet NV Blog

valentina allen1 Comment

Well Hello!

Welcome to the Sweet NV Bakeshop blog.  Although the website has been up and running for a few months now the blog is a new feature.  This is the place where I'll share new menu items, bakeshop events and a little about me. 

For my first post I thought I would share a bit more about how this little shop came to be and some about me personally.  So here we go....

The story-

Most of what I know is from learning at my mom's side.  She was an amazing baker.  She made everything from cookies and pies to homemade breads.  I've always thought my mom was entirely self taught.  I only recently learned my Dad taught my mom how to make bread.  That was a pretty big surprise.  So I suppose I should give my Dad a little credit for my talent.  Thanks Dad!  While I baked with my mom as a kid,  it wasn't until I got to college that I realized I was pretty good at it.  Little by little I developed my skills.  Not until a couple years ago did I think I could turn this gift into a career.  With the encouragement of friends and family, a year ago I started Sweet NV Bakeshop.  Really crazy that it's been a year!!

Sometimes it's a bit surreal that I get to do this.  It is a true blessing that the work I do is an extension of something that I love.  I love being in the kitchen baking. More than that, I love the look on someone's face when they're really enjoying something I made.  And more than that, I love hearing my daughter say how much she enjoys my baking.  When she says she wants to work with me some day, that just makes me happy cry.  Priceless.  In case you were wondering, the "NV" of Sweet NV Bakeshop is my daughters first initial and mine.  My little bakeshop is truly based on love and family!

While the bakeshop is an online business right now, my goal is to have my own storefront.  I want a place where people can come hang out and enjoy desserts and treats to their heart's content.  Even more than that it will be a place for learning.  My biggest dream is to have a teaching kitchen alongside the shop where kids with special needs can come and learn to bake or work in the shop.  While baking brings me joy, the opportunity to teach others and provide job opportunities means so much more. 

Now that you've got the story of the shop, how about a little about me??  Here's ten random things about me (you may or may not want to know, LOL) -

  1. I looooove Disneyland.  I've been a pass holder for a few years now.  I even worked there (for a minute ;) ).   Turns out that just because you love something that doesn't mean that "love" can translate into a job.  Sometimes you're just meant to enjoy it.  :)
  2. I have a massive cookbook collection.  I wish I could say I've baked/cooked from them all but that would be a stretch.  Goals!
  3. I have a magazine OBSESSION.  There are currently 5 piles of them within eye site.  Maybe half of them read.  I justify most of them as "research". 
  4. I also enjoy cooking but as busy as life is right now, it feels like a chore most days.  :(  Plus I have a super picky teenager that only wants to eat tacos with rice and salsa.  This would be her daily meal if I would allow it.
  5. I dig decorating.  Although my space is small, I love finding special ways to jazz it up.
  6. I'm a bit of a clothes horse.  It's a baaaaaaad habit.  Especially when you work from home, in the kitchen, most days.  But just because I'm in the kitchen doesn't mean I can't look cute underneath that apron!
  7. I was born in LA, grew up in San Luis Obispo, went to college in San Diego and eventually made my way to Covina to be close to family.  Moving to Covina was one of the best decisions I ever made.  I have a great family that has supported me through sooooo much.  I'm forever grateful.  Hopefully, Covina will be home to my little shop.
  8. Dancing with the Stars is in my top three favorite shows.  I watch every season.  And may or may not secretly want to learn to ballroom dance. 
  9. I have a HUGE fear of roller coasters.  I don't like to let fear stand in my way of something but in my opinion I'm not really missing much.
  10. My daughter is my heart and soul.  She has taught me more than I can say here but among them she's taught me patience, perseverance and maybe how to have fun (a little).

Well there you have it.  The story of my shop and random facts about me.  I'm really looking forward to sharing more in the future.  That's assuming anyone's reading!  Haha!!

Now that you've made it to the end, here's your bonus -

To thank you for taking the time to come to my site and read my blog you get a discount!  Place an order now thru this Sunday, November 22nd  and take 20% off your order with code "Thanksgiving". 

Truly, I want to Thank you for coming to my site and taking a look around.  I look forward to baking for you!

If you have a question for me or about my menu feel free to leave a comment.

P.S.  If you haven't signed up to be on my email list you totally should!  My first newsletter will go out later this week.  There might just be a Holiday promo code in their to use towards fun Christmas treats.  You don't want to miss it. 

Lots of Love,
