Sweet NV Bakeshop

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time.

Sweet NV Blog

valentina allen1 Comment

Well Hello!

Welcome to the Sweet NV Bakeshop blog.  Although the website has been up and running for a few months now the blog is a new feature.  This is the place where I'll share new menu items, bakeshop events and a little about me. 

For my first post I thought I would share a bit more about how this little shop came to be and some about me personally.  So here we go....

The story-

Most of what I know is from learning at my mom's side.  She was an amazing baker.  She made everything from cookies and pies to homemade breads.  I've always thought my mom was entirely self taught.  I only recently learned my Dad taught my mom how to make bread.  That was a pretty big surprise.  So I suppose I should give my Dad a little credit for my talent.  Thanks Dad!  While I baked with my mom as a kid,  it wasn't until I got to college that I realized I was pretty good at it.  Little by little I developed my skills.  Not until a couple years ago did I think I could turn this gift into a career.  With the encouragement of friends and family, a year ago I started Sweet NV Bakeshop.  Really crazy that it's been a year!!

Sometimes it's a bit surreal that I get to do this.  It is a true blessing that the work I do is an extension of something that I love.  I love being in the kitchen baking. More than that, I love the look on someone's face when they're really enjoying something I made.  And more than that, I love hearing my daughter say how much she enjoys my baking.  When she says she wants to work with me some day, that just makes me happy cry.  Priceless.  In case you were wondering, the "NV" of Sweet NV Bakeshop is my daughters first initial and mine.  My little bakeshop is truly based on love and family!

While the bakeshop is an online business right now, my goal is to have my own storefront.  I want a place where people can come hang out and enjoy desserts and treats to their heart's content.  Even more than that it will be a place for learning.  My biggest dream is to have a teaching kitchen alongside the shop where kids with special needs can come and learn to bake or work in the shop.  While baking brings me joy, the opportunity to teach others and provide job opportunities means so much more. 

Now that you've got the story of the shop, how about a little about me??  Here's ten random things about me (you may or may not want to know, LOL) -

  1. I looooove Disneyland.  I've been a pass holder for a few years now.  I even worked there (for a minute ;) ).   Turns out that just because you love something that doesn't mean that "love" can translate into a job.  Sometimes you're just meant to enjoy it.  :)
  2. I have a massive cookbook collection.  I wish I could say I've baked/cooked from them all but that would be a stretch.  Goals!
  3. I have a magazine OBSESSION.  There are currently 5 piles of them within eye site.  Maybe half of them read.  I justify most of them as "research". 
  4. I also enjoy cooking but as busy as life is right now, it feels like a chore most days.  :(  Plus I have a super picky teenager that only wants to eat tacos with rice and salsa.  This would be her daily meal if I would allow it.
  5. I dig decorating.  Although my space is small, I love finding special ways to jazz it up.
  6. I'm a bit of a clothes horse.  It's a baaaaaaad habit.  Especially when you work from home, in the kitchen, most days.  But just because I'm in the kitchen doesn't mean I can't look cute underneath that apron!
  7. I was born in LA, grew up in San Luis Obispo, went to college in San Diego and eventually made my way to Covina to be close to family.  Moving to Covina was one of the best decisions I ever made.  I have a great family that has supported me through sooooo much.  I'm forever grateful.  Hopefully, Covina will be home to my little shop.
  8. Dancing with the Stars is in my top three favorite shows.  I watch every season.  And may or may not secretly want to learn to ballroom dance. 
  9. I have a HUGE fear of roller coasters.  I don't like to let fear stand in my way of something but in my opinion I'm not really missing much.
  10. My daughter is my heart and soul.  She has taught me more than I can say here but among them she's taught me patience, perseverance and maybe how to have fun (a little).

Well there you have it.  The story of my shop and random facts about me.  I'm really looking forward to sharing more in the future.  That's assuming anyone's reading!  Haha!!

Now that you've made it to the end, here's your bonus -

To thank you for taking the time to come to my site and read my blog you get a discount!  Place an order now thru this Sunday, November 22nd  and take 20% off your order with code "Thanksgiving". 

Truly, I want to Thank you for coming to my site and taking a look around.  I look forward to baking for you!

If you have a question for me or about my menu feel free to leave a comment.

P.S.  If you haven't signed up to be on my email list you totally should!  My first newsletter will go out later this week.  There might just be a Holiday promo code in their to use towards fun Christmas treats.  You don't want to miss it. 

Lots of Love,
