Sweet NV Bakeshop

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time.

What's new at Sweet NV?

valentina allenComment

Hello!  So it's been a little while since my FIRST and LAST post.  I'm just going to call a do over and start fresh.  Ok?  :)

Before I get to some fun news, I'll just catch you up.  It's quick, promise!

A lot has happened in the last year (or two??) including having the opportunity to sell my product in a shop and bake in a commercial kitchen.  Those opportunities were amazing but I quickly learned I wasn't quite ready for that kind of growth.  More than anything, I learned as a one woman show I can only do so much.  And while it's my greatest desire to grow my business I have to do it at a pace that allows "life" to still happen.   I am a mom to a teenager who has some unique needs.  She is my greatest priority.  Baking and all the other things, like work, have to work around my little family.  That said,  with some trial and error I'm working out a path towards fulfilling my biggest dream.

I mentioned in my first post, my BIG goal is to have my own shop.  A beautiful, warm, inviting space where you can stop by and get awesome, baked from scratch treats. Not only will it be the best spot for sweets but will also provide employment and training for people with disabilities.  I love to bake and it brings me so much joy.  But I know there's got to be more than that.  My greatest lesson in the last two years is that my gift is meant for something greater than just making great baked goods.  This gift can help others to grow and learn and prosper.   I'm confident it will do just that.  

So what's new, what's coming????  A few new items are coming to the menu.  If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you might have seen one of them already.  And if you don't follow me you should go do that (@sweetnvbakeshop ).  :)

And if you're interested in trying out those new items as well as some tried and true Sweet NV favorites, then you should probably save the date for my Fall/Halloween preview party!

               Saturday, September 30, 2017, 2:00 to 4:00pm.  (Location provided on request),  Send an email to sweetnvbakeshop@gmail.com if you're interested in attending

This is the perfect opportunity to get inspiration for all the desserts and treats you want to serve, gift people or just eat all by yourself this holiday season. ;)   Not only do you get to sample for FREE, you just might leave with some goodies too.  The first FIVE people to arrive will go home with their own treat box.  Woohoo!  I won't have items for sale at this event.  This is your opportunity to sample and if you're ready,  reserve a spot for a Halloween/Fall dessert order.   My schedule is limited so you want to place your order as early as possible.

This is the first of two preview parties.   A Christmas preview party is in the works for early November.  Stay tuned for that.  Going forward, I'll be updating the blog once a week and posting a lot more on Instagram and Facebook.   

So do you want your invite to the Fall/Halloween preview?  Send me an email at sweetnvbakeshop@gmail.com and I'll give you the details.  

Before I sign off I just want to extend a heart felt thank you to my loyal customers, friends and family who support me and my business.  I could not do this without you.  

I hope to see you soon!

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time,
