Sweet NV Bakeshop

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time.

Sweet eNVy Bakeshop is growing!

valentina allen2 Comments

Hi Sweet Friends-

I have so much to say so I’ll just jump right in but first…. I have to say Thank you for supporting my shop. I’m so grateful for your business, referrals and encouragement. I would not be here with out all of you.

I started my shop because I love baking. I love to be in the kitchen creating and nothing makes me happier than the smiles on peoples faces when they’re enjoying something I’ve made. Brings me so much joy. :) I can’t wait until I get to see your happy faces standing in my shop everyday. How awesome will that be! What I have discovered along the way is that my shop can do so much more than just sell treats. Don’t get me wrong that’s important! Lol But there's an even greater purpose.

What you need to know…my daughter is neuro diverse, differently abled, intellectually disabled, developmentally disabled or any of the other terms currently being used to describe someone who learns at a different pace than it takes the average to learn new information or skills. Those labels do little to describe who she really is and all that she’s capable of. The labels are complicated and often misleading (probably a topic for another post) but sadly sometimes necessary. I have spent the last 19 years helping her navigate the world around her and doing everything possible (within our reach) to help her be the best version of herself she can possibly be. To say that it’s been challenging is putting it mildly. I’m sharing all of this because it has become very evident that meaningful and productive employment for people with disabilities, of any kind, is hard to come by. All of us deserve to have work that is relevant and utilizes our best skills. There is a job for EVERYONE and EVERYONE has value.

My journey with Nayeli has opened my heart to a greater purpose for my shop. My biggest goal is for Sweet eNVy Bakeshop to be staffed by people of all abilities. We will train and employ people who are differently abled and help them to find their greatest talents. While I don’t have a storefront yet we have decided there’s no time like the present to start offering training. So we have created the Sweet Interns program! The name might not stick but I kinda like it! :) With the help of some amazing friends and family we have gathered a small group of teens and young adults to be our first interns. They will be baking up a special desert every other month that will be available for sale through my site. All proceeds will go towards their ongoing training and development. We’re still working on the details and systems for our interns so for right now we’re keeping the group small. But our long term goal is to have an application process so we can open the group to more folks.

Our mission is to offer a positive and safe environment for people of different abilities to gain valuable skills that will lead them to meaningful and productive employment.

You’ll have you’re first opportunity to order treats from the Sweet Interns during my Valentine’s Day sale. The Valentine’s shop will feature their hand made dessert jars. They are so yummy you don’t want to miss out. I’m so excited for you to try their creations. Pre-orders start this coming Tuesday, January 22.

The blog will have weekly updates on everything the Sweet Interns are up to and all things Sweet eNVy Bakeshop. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for notifications when there’s a new post on the blog. And make sure you’re on the email list to get all the latest news and deals from the shop. Just click on over to the home page and there’s a button to sign up. :)

Thank you so much for reading all the way through. You’re support means so much. I would be so grateful if you could share this post or send your friends and family to the blog or my other pages to check us out.

Ok, last thing, will you leave me a comment or an emoji to let me know you were here? You’re the best!

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time,

