Sweet NV Bakeshop

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time.

In the kitchen with the Sweet Interns

valentina allen1 Comment

Before I share about our first bake day with the Interns I need to tell you about my leadership crew. That’s kinda cute right?? Hadn’t thought of a name for them/us but maybe this will work. We’ll see. I should really have a picture of them to drop right here. It would make sense right?? I will make that happen. :)

The group started with one of my best friends, Carrie, who is without a doubt one of the kindest people I know. She is a mom to two awesome kids and knows the journey of parenting a child with special needs well. She has long been at my side helping with ALL the things and just being my greatest cheerleader. Along the way I added on my long time friend Elena. She’s that person who’ll speak the hard truth to you when you need it. And we all do. Not to mention she will go to the ends of the earth to help anyone in need. She also happens to be the Executive Director at Parents’ Place Family Empowerment Center (a local Non Profit serving families who have children with special needs). And then came Sonya and Judy. Awhile back I shared on Facebook about Puzzles Bakery & Café, a company that has a similar business model to mine (They are a great example of what I want to do)! I got such an amazing response of support and love for my goal, it was overwhelming. Among those responses both Sonya and Judy said, we’re all in when you’re ready. Sonya is my amazing cousin, a momma and a teacher like no other. She loves and serves her students above and beyond the call of duty. I have come to know Judy because we both have children with special needs. She is an advocate for our kids, even traveling to Sacramento to educate legislators on how to best serve our kids and is just a tremendous source of support and knowledge for our community.

All of these women bring their amazing gifts and skills to the group and I have no doubt they will help lead us to do great things for our Interns and future employees. I’m so grateful to them for being on this journey with me.

After group shot.JPG

So, about those interns….I’m happy to introduce you to Nayeli, Lucas, Marissa, Bradley, Katherine, Sophia and Jasmine (not pictured). This is an amazing group of smart, talented, funny and all around awesome teens and young adults. I’m honored that they want to be a part of Sweet eNVy Bakeshop.

We had an awesome first day in the kitchen! We packed into the kitchen and got to work. We worked through all the steps of creating the dessert jars. From baking the cake, to making buttercream and assembling. It was really cool to see their interest and enthusiasm. I think they definitely learned a little something and had some fun doing it. I’ll be honest, until now I’ve never felt like teaching anybody, anything was in my wheel house. But I felt so at home doing this. I loved every minute and can’t wait for more.

And in case you didn’t hear, YOU sold us out of jars during our preorder!! How amazing is that. I never could have expected we would sell over 200 jars!! You all are awesome. Because of you we can provide more training and we move closer to our own shop.

As always, I would really appreciate you sharing this post on your Facebook and Instagram pages or just telling your people about us and what we’re doing. I don’t yet know HOW we’ll get to our storefront. I just know that it will happen and that spreading the word is going to help us get there. Thank you :)

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time,
