Sweet NV Bakeshop

Spreading love and happiness one sweet treat at a time.

It's finally time!

valentina allenComment


Thank you so much for being here , for your kindness and support and just being great and loyal customers. We couldn’t do this without all of you!

We’re starting off 2024 with some exciting news… the Sweet Interns are back! If you’re not sure who the Sweet Interns are jump back a couple of posts and read all about them. I’ve been holding off, waiting for the “right” time and “right” circumstances to start again. And maybe I’m a little scared too. I only want the intern program to serve as a source of empowerment and encouragement. A true opportunity for learning and growth for adults with disabilities. I worry that I’m not prepared enough. But I have interns ready and waiting. They want to come back and learn and participate. So we’re going to just jump in and get started. It will for sure not be perfect and I will likely make some mistakes but I know I can provide great training in a supportive and encouraging environment.

We’re starting off small with just a few interns working on our Valentine’s Treat Box. The interns will participate in all aspects of creating this box, from the baking to the packing and shipping. I have seen from my daughter Nayeli how much pride and ownership she takes in all the ways she helps with the shop. I’m so excited to see the same happen for the interns.

I’m going to do my best to share about our progress here. I hope you’ll follow along.

